Sales & Reservation Terms & Policies
Click HERE to see animals currently available!
Sales and Pricing:
KIds: Doelings typically start in the $300-ish range, and go up from there. Kid prices are influenced by a number of factors, such as genetics of sire and dam, overall quality and performance of sire and dam and any previous offspring. And of course, there's the quality of the kid itself. In light of this unborn kid prices may not be set until after kidding, and we may not charge the same price for all kids in the same litter. However, in most cases a range or estimate is given on our reservation page, so buyers have an idea what the price is likely to be. A definite price will of course always been given at the time waitlisted buyers are notified kids are available.
Single goat purchases only to homes that already have goats. A companion wether can be purchased with the doeling, pending availability.
Bucklings: We rarely offer buck kids, and then only out of carefully planned pairings. Any ADGA or AGS registered bucklings born 2024 or after will have DNA submitted to UC Davis/VGL prior to leaving the farm, and then forwarded to ADGA. DNA costs are added to the final sales price. If you are interested in reserving a buckling, we would love to chat with you about one!
Adult animals: At times I will need to reduce the herd to make room for new breeding stock. Does, doe kids, and wethers can be found on the For Sale page.
Our adult bucks are rarely available for sale, as we prefer to wether them and find them permanent pet homes after they are done working in our herd. We do this as we see fit and without notice. We do make exceptions to this policy and will sometimes place a buck into the right home. If you are interested in someday acquiring any buck currently standing in our herd, we encourage you get in touch with us right away.
Wethers: We offer nearly all of our male kids as pet wethers. Nigerian dwarf wethers are very popular as pets, and usually sell out quickly. We do occasionally have older pet wethers available, which also make FABULOUS pets. We also sometimes have wethered adult bucks available for pets (they have no odor once wethered), which are wonderful if you don't want to keep a buck, but would like to know when your does are in heat . Ex-bucks also make an excellent companion for a breeding buck, if you only want to keep one buck.
Reservations & Waitlist
After experimenting with a variety of models, we now offer a free waiting list for all breedings. We will accept a reservation with deposit for a limited number of breedings.
Wait-list: There is no deposit or charge to be on the waitlist. Kids which are not retained or reserved by deposit are offered to those on the wait list for that doe before being advertised as available. You may be on the waitlist for more than one doe, so this is a good option for 2nd and 3rd choices. For waiting-list, simply email me which breeding(s) you would like a kid from.
Reservations: We offer one doe kid reservation per doe, with a $100 deposit for reservations on pre-born kids. The expectation is the buyer really wants a doe kid from that doe, hence the reservation. We do not do multiple Reservations for one buyer unless the buyer intends on purchasing multiple kids. However, we do take multiple no-charge waitlist requests, with no obligations.
How it works after kids are born: After kids are born, I will notify you by email, Facebook Messenger, and/or by phone call or text message that your kid is available, along with the kid's price. We ask that you respond back within 48 hours with a yes, no, or any questions. If I don't hear back after 48 hours, I'll assume you did not want the kid and offer it to the next person on the list. For kids for which an initial deposit was placed, the remainder of the deposit is due with 10 days of your initial notification the kid is available. If deposit is not received within that time frame, reservation will be canceled and deposit forfeit, unless another arrangements were agreed to prior to the end of the deposit window.
Once you agree to purchase a kid from the waitlist or reservation, you will be asked to get the deposit to me within 10 days (I will accept check by mail, but must be received within 10 days notifying me you will take the kid). Deposit is 50% of the purchase price. Any prior deposit made, such as for a reserved kid, will be applied to this deposit amount. For both Reservation and Wait-list purchases, the balance will be due at the time you pick up the kid, or BEFORE scheduled pick up by a third party, delivery, or ship date.
All breeding stock are sold registered with ADGA with their ADGA registration papers; I reserve the breeder's right to choose the name for all registered kids.
Deposits are refunded if the kid dies before pickup, I determine the kid is unfit for sale, or if I otherwise cancel the sale. I understand that sometimes life can be terribly unpredictable, and under certain circumstances which I deem acceptable, I may elect to refund a deposit at my discretion, if the buyer chooses not to follow through with the sale. However, backing out of a sale because you changed your mind, your spouse said no, or you bought a kid somewhere else, are NOT acceptable circumstances.
NEW FOR 2024: We will be offering most of our kids as bottle kids, to be picked up between 2-4 weeks of age. Kids will be disbudded and tattooed before leaving, and receive coccidia prevention treatment. Bottle kids not picked up by age 4 weeks will incur boarding fees. Board of $5 per day, per goat, will be charged for animals not picked up by age 4 weeks for bottle kids, or within 14 days of original notice they are ready for pick-up for all others, unless mutual agreement in writing between seller and buyer is made to waive board charges. Board fees must be paid before animal is picked up or transported. Failure to pay board fees will result in cancellation of the sale and forfeiture of all monies paid.
I reserve the right to cancel any sale or reservation at any time.
We will only allow animals to leave our property if visibly healthy; meaning, normal temperature, vitals, and bowel movements, no colored discharge from eyes or nose.
Carpal Hyperextension: There is much that is unknown about the presence of carpal hyperextension (CH) in Nigerian Dwarf goats. What is known is that it can be absolutely devastating when it happens. If you purchase a goat from us that develops carpal hyperextension in one or both knees, please reach out to us. Although a genetic link has not yet been determined, the data seems to indicate there is some kind of heritability factor. Nutrition and husbandry may also be factors, as well as injury in some cases. Unfortunately, in many animals the cause is unknown (idiopathic).
CH is a hot button, sensitive topic, but the reality is that it happens and as breeders, we have to ask ourselves what is the right thing to do when it does? For us and our buyers, we feel the right thing to do is create a safe place for buyers to discuss with us any cases of CH in animals we have bred (whether owner is original purchaser or not), try to gather data which might someday help researchers figure out why this happens, and in cases where an injury cannot be clearly identified as the cause, replace the animal. Onset of CH without a known cause seems to typically occur between 6 months and 2 years old. Therefore, we will include the development of carpal hyperextension prior to the age of 3 that is not a direct result of injury, illness, gross mis-management, or neglect, as determined by a licensed veterinarian, under our guarantee policy given below.
Guarantees: Kids sold as breeding stock are guaranteed free from of genetic defects causing infertility. Should a kid sold as breeding stock be found infertile, due to a clearly identifiable congenital defect, we will replace the kid or doe with another kid of the same gender, as soon as one becomes available. We will extend this guarantee to include teat defects for animals who are sold as breeding stock, as sometimes a teat defect does not manifest until puberty. We MUST be notified of a suspected teat defected prior to the animals FIRST birthday. We MUST be notified there is a concern the animal may have a congenital defect affecting fertility prior to the animal's THIRD birthday. Any concern the animal is developing or has developed a carpal hyperextension must be communicated to us prior to the animal's THIRD birthday. Failure to do so voids the the guarantee.
Congenital defect affecting fertility: Proof of exam and statement of findings from a licensed veterinarian, which must include on the statement that ear and/or tail web tattoos were read by the veterinarian, documented and matched to ADGA registration papers. The findings must indicate that the defect is congenital and/or was present at birth, and is the cause of infertility. A copy of the veterinarian findings report must be submitted to us within 30 days of the date of the veterinarian's findings.
Teat defect: For a teat defect, a veterinarian, licensed ADGA or AGS judge, ADGA linear appraiser, or AGS classifier, must include a statement ear tattoos were read and matched ADGA registration papers, and confirming presence of a teat defect and a description of the defect. The statement must have the printed name and signature of the veterinarian, judge, appraiser, or classifier verifying the teat defect and completing the statement, which must be completed at the time they examined the animal and verified the defect. The statement or vet report must be submitted to us within 30 days of the date of that the teat defect was verified and statement or vet report signed.
Carpal Hyperextension: Proof of exam and statement of findings from a licensed veterinarian of carpal hyperextension in one or both front knees, which must include on the statement ear or tail web tattoos were read by the veterinarian, and documented matched to ADGA registration papers. The veterinarian findings must clearly state that injury, illness, and issues of neglect or gross mismanagement were ruled out. We may also require a copy of the animal's medical record. A copy of the veterinarian findings report must be submitted to us within 30 days of the report date of the veterinarian's findings. The animal's ADGA and/or AGS registration papers are to be surrendered prior to a replacement being made.
Exceptions: The congenital defect causing infertility and teat defect guarantees do NOT apply to animals sold without papers, designated sold as a pet on the sales agreement whether with or without papers, wethers, or does with an existing and disclosed teat defect at the time of purchase. The carpal hyperextension guarantee includes any goat born on our premises and carries our herd tattoo "DX5" in their right ear or right tail web, and that meets the conditions of the guarantee.
We will work with the buyer to provide a comparable replacement when the replacement guarantee applies; however, the final choice and selection of the replacement will reside with the breeder. The buyer will be responsible for any transportation costs and transportation related costs (such as health certificates, crates, etc.) for the replacement animal.
Payment: Cash, personal checks, and PayPal are all welcomed for deposits. I strongly prefer PayPal and cash for final purchases. We discourage personal checks for final purchases, as we will not release animals until the check has cleared our bank.
Shipping and Transport:
Delivery may be possible within 3 hours of the Vancouver, Washington area for a fee to cover fuel costs. Air Shipping available via air out of Portland, Oregon. Costs vary depending on destination, airline, and time of year. Air shipping costs (crate, health cert, airline, and tranportation fees) can vary greatly. As of 2022, air shipping costs were $600 and up. We will arrange air shipping, so please let us know if that is how you are planning on receiving your kid(s). Ground shipping available via pre-approved commercial livestock transporter, or other mutually agreed-upon ground transport; buyers are responsible for any and all shipping and associated shipping costs (kennel, health certs, etc.). As each situation is unique, please contact me to discuss details regarding delivery or shipping.
FIRST TIME GOAT-OWNERS-TO-BE: Welcome! With just a little preparation, goat ownership can be a rich, wonderful, rewarding experience. But, like anything else, just jumping in without forethought can be frustrating, disappointing, and even heart-breaking. I am here to support you in getting started, so that your experience with these wonderful little goats is a positive and enriching one!
Contact: Please email me at sansgenegoats at gmail dot com , through the Sans Gene Goats Facebook page, or via FaceBook Messenger if you would like to reserve a kid or have any questions. For privacy reasons, we do not post our phone number on the website, but gladly will exchange phone numbers via email. :)
Thank you!
updated 1/20/2025